NEW 6-WEEK DANCE CLASS SERIES starts Saturday, March 19th! Study in person at Evolution Studios or safely online at home. When you register, make sure to choose either the 10 am or 11:10 am class, as well as in-person or online.
Egyptian - Technique, Drills, and Strength Training for Dancers
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (PST)
Egyptian - Combinations and Choreography 11:10 AM – 12:10 PM (PST)

We are making waves over at Cafe Sevilla Long Beach and will be back the next two Saturdays, so come on down and check out Devilla at Sevilla! Reservations are required, so follow the Eventbrite links below to get yours:

Sunday, February 27th
11:00 AM -1:00 PM (PST)
Ready to ROCK some Make Up? Basic Paint - in this class we will cover brush and tool usage. Sculpting the planes of the face with highlight and shadow. Shading placement to enhance the eyes and shaping the lips.
Let's Party!
$45.00 for LLLR"S with lifetime access to me!

DEVILLA'S PILATES PLAYHOUSE is back in business once or twice a week. Watch your emails for weekly scheduling updates, and if you are not already getting class updates by email, please message me: devillaraks@gmail.com.
$10 suggested donation, please use the Friends & Family option. SEE YOU ON ZOOM! https://www.paypal.me/DeVillaraks?locale.x=en_US
~ Devilla Raks ~ Dance ~ Fitness ~ Beauty ~ Body & Soul ~