When it comes to makeup, the most creative time of the year is right around the corner. Last year's Halloween look was Dia De Los Muertos. This year we dive into VAMPIRE FACE and other ghoulish mayhem on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16TH! All participants will receive a FREE SURPRISE GIFT for attending, so register now to save your spot through PayPal. $40 suggested donation, no one turned away due to lack of funds. Please use the Friends & Family option. Thank you! https://www.paypal.me/DeVillaraks?locale.x=en_US
Image from last year's Halloween themed makeup workshop:

The Season of the Witch is upon us and we have a super exciting Halloween themed double header for you this year! Join us online for 2 delightfully scary performances curated by Aubre Hill & DeVilla, Presented by DanceGardenLA
Saturday, October 23 at 7pm: Aubre Hill Productions & DGLA present: The Haunting Hafla
Prepare to SCREAM in delight and fright with our annual favorite~ The Haunting Hafla featuring performances by:
Darcy Rae
Leela Bellydance Productions
Orchid Sahara
Princess Farhana
Sangra Muerta
and more!!!
Performances are in studio and streamed for the world to enjoy live on Crowdcast. Virtual doors open at 7:00pm PST.
Sunday, October 24 at 4pm: DeVilla Raks & DGLA Present: Siren Sunday: Season of the Witch
DeVilla and the Sekhmet Dance Collective bring you SIREN SUNDAY - SEASON OF THE WITCH.
With performances by:
Zoe and Sydney
Allison Ruth Schulte
Laura Bee
Troupe Aayla Sinoush of Hamburg Germany (Video)
Sekhmet Dance Collective
The Premiere of the Eastwick Collective (Video)
Bring your broom and your Brew, It's gonna get crazy up in this Den!
We offer tickets on a sliding scale depending on your budget. From Ghoul, Hex, to Seance, or the Full moon deal for both shows~ get your tickets TODAY!
Join us LIVE or On Demand through November 2. Get ready to scream.....online!!!!

And watch your emails for updates on Devilla's Pilates Playhouse scheduling this week. If you are not already getting class updates by email, please message me at devillaraks@gmail.com. If you can't attend live this week, check the links below to keep you on track! $10 suggested donation, please use the Friends & Family option. https://www.paypal.me/DeVillaraks?locale.x=en_US
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/xAF1hprn0lwDh2Acxi91QtN9mZsUTa4pjqu96SnC-wXTobjM7uzMRsipezGvrAHZ.hDcGVi1MPa-l4Iu2?startTime=1623357289000 ~ Devilla Raks ~ Dance ~ Fitness ~ Beauty ~ Body & Soul ~