I am over (and under!) the moon -- Cairo ShimmyQuake is next weekend! And I am thrilled to be teaching one of my favorite folkloric props, the shamadan. In this workshop, you will learn the traditional use of the shamadan in bridal procession & the fun theatrical ways it can be used today. Learn the Zaffa rhythm and appropriate music, get a short history lesson, discuss real flame vs. LED, fitting, care, feeding, & storage. Then put it all together in a short choreography.
Friday, May 21st
Cairo ShimmyQuake - shamadan workshop https://www.cairoshimmyquake.com/home/workshops-2/devilla/
Saturday, May 22nd
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM (PST)
Belly dance class - Egyptian/Oriental - Technique, Drills, & Strength Training for Dancers
Registration, payment, & details here: https://www.dancegardenla.com/class-schedule
​10:45 AM – 11:45 AM (PST)
Belly dance class - Egyptian/Oriental - Combinations and Choreography
Registration, payment, & details here: https://www.dancegardenla.com/class-schedule
1 PM - 3 PM (PST)
Crafting your Stage Face - makeup workshop
PayPal - devillaraks@gmail.com. $40 suggested donation:
And join us for Pilates this week, back to our regularly scheduled program: Monday & Thursday, 1:30 pm (PST). Register here for the Zoom link: https://www.devillaraks.com/service-page/pilates-mat-class-on-zoom?referral=service_list_widget
